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Two Cool Shares

Two Cool Shares

To continue on from the previous post, here are two other items I wanted to share quickly. First – radiator pipes. These are all throughout the house, painted, globbed over, peeling…all the fun stuff you see in most of our house. 😉 We need them as they are part of the radiator heating system and we truly LOVE our radiator heat. So, what do you do with tall exposed pipes running through your rooms? It looks like based on the…

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A Lock To Remember

A Lock To Remember

Hi again everyone. I ran across a couple of quick things I wanted to share. Not really part of a larger subject but each one a little fun. For starters, a door and a lock. As we work towards final touches in the kitchen, we still have the door leaving the kitchen and going into the dining room. This door we originally decided to continue with the antique white paint but once we stripped the paint down, as it was…

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Kitchen Elegance

Kitchen Elegance

We are finally seeing the end in sight. Oh we have still have a ways to go, but we have come so far and are closing in. After four walls knocked down, old flooring sealed, then flooring leveled, framing, engineer visit, support beams hoisted, new wiring, new plumbing and wainscoting, it was time for beautiful trim work. This truly kept us busy. I believe Paul said there were over 140 cuts in the wood we placed but it’s up, seamed…

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Kitchen Rebirth

Kitchen Rebirth

Hi everyone! It’s been awhile since I’ve posted on the blog but I’m now finally back at it. We’ve been traveling off and on this past fall, as well as having visitors and I’ve been working close to full time at my job these past few weeks (its busiest season). Between that and the holidays, I didn’t find myself with much in the way of spare time and alas the blog suffered. But I’m back and rest assured, the work…

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Side but Necessary Projects: Back Porch Sealed!

Side but Necessary Projects: Back Porch Sealed!

Hi everyone! I wanted to show you another little side project we had to tackle before winter came. Pretty much anywhere, whether “winter” means cold and snow or simply the rainy season, it usually means weather. Around here, it means cold and snow, which also means winds and everything that is outside, trying to find a way inside, i.e. critters. As much as we love our furry friends, our home isn’t really best suited for them and us together, lol!…

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Plants and Houses – a Connection?

Plants and Houses – a Connection?

On another quick topic, I simply had to make a mention about my plant. You see, I’ve had a certain plant which I’ve kept for 10+ years now. It’s been with me through my moves and was always partially growing, essentially a stick of a plant, yet I kept it. Back in my East Texas town, there was a small nursery where I previously shopped. I saw a beautiful unusual blooming plant off to the side and when I asked…

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Final Touch Up Above the Porch

Final Touch Up Above the Porch

I guess you actually can put scaffolding on a porch roof! Much to my discomfort. lol. But this is the very last of a small area above the porch that we just couldn’t quite reach. But scaffolding did the trick! Paul climbed out the front window, around to the side and pulled up by rope each section of scaffolding and built. Do you see it? Top left little square and roof fascia board above the porch. That one little spot…

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Quick Update on the Hallway

Quick Update on the Hallway

Hi again. A super quick update on the hallway but SO important to us, so we had to share. The LAST of the old deteriorated and stained tiles are now “gone.” YAY! Ready now for fresh new tile.

As This Year’s Exterior Work Draws to Close

As This Year’s Exterior Work Draws to Close

Hi all and happy autumn! As last year, the fall colors have been incredible and although most of the leaves have peaked and fallen, there are still some beauties out there (and I’m making mental notes of the real gems I would like to see someday in our yard). Thankfully, we are just about done with our “must do” list before the season changes. After the side bay top portion of the window was completed, Paul moved scaffolding around to…

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It’s Time to Lean In

It’s Time to Lean In

Hi everyone! My apologies for the delay in posting this time. We’ve been out of town and had a few other things going on around here, and I looked up to see it was suddenly several weeks since my last post! Let me see if I can catch everyone up… As many of you know, there is a certain crispness in the air these days. And when the wind blows, there’s a subtle change you can feel. The season is…

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