Two Cool Shares

Two Cool Shares

To continue on from the previous post, here are two other items I wanted to share quickly.

First – radiator pipes. These are all throughout the house, painted, globbed over, peeling…all the fun stuff you see in most of our house. 😉 We need them as they are part of the radiator heating system and we truly LOVE our radiator heat. So, what do you do with tall exposed pipes running through your rooms? It looks like based on the paint jobs, previous owners tried to hide them, but we say no. Our vision is like the other intricacies of the house that make it special, let’s make them beautiful.

Pic of before of these radiator pipes in the kitchen. In the first pic you can barely see them but there they are against the back wall in between the two doors (aww…there’s that floor, again. lol This pic is from when we first bought the house). The second pic is a more closeup of the peeling layers of paint.

This is the same corner, when we pulled off the previous cabinet and before Paul built the column to hide the sewer pipe.

After Paul scraped, cleaned and painted. Tada! Let’s make them pretty. Go big or go home, right? 😉

Second cool thing. This week we had some incredible wind storms come through overnight. After one particularly fierce one, as Paul was walking our dog Rocky (yes, even in winter, every day religiously. Rocky loves it so much, so it’s a small thing we can do for him. :-), Paul noticed that one of the windows in the attic had blown in. Fortunately, they fell inside the attic onto the attic floor and did NOT break. ** EXHALE TOGETHER **. But as I was up there, checking out the windows and making sure it was safe, when I stood close to the front attic window and only when I turned around to look back towards the attic, I saw this!

And then these…. These can only be seen if you walk all the way up to the front window, then turn around with your back against it and look up. So…it looks like we can see what SOME of the military students were up to back in 1910, 29, 35, etc… LOL. Gotta love it! And yep, they stay!

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