Rainy Day Delays

Rainy Day Delays

This week at the house started off a little off schedule. Hard rains came in for a couple of days and our original work plans had to be put on pause. What’s more, we were given a whole new set of more pressing work plans instead.

You see, although there is a new roof on the house, one of the side back rooms began leaking from the middle of the ceiling, straight into a box with speakers in it (that’s always nice, lol). Luckily Paul was able to catch it, move the boxes and put a bucket under it. We now found ourselves trying to determine where the leak was coming from.

This ceiling was already showing severe damage (only the ceiling, not the roof), and now we know why. The next day, with the rains stopped it was time to address the new project. It was going to be tricky because the roof looked solid and new from above. Our only way to begin was to to remove the wet ceiling plaster and start looking.

For the next couple of hours, Paul was inside up on a ladder cutting out the ceiling, then he was going outside, climbing a second ladder and walking around the roof.

Meanwhile, I would stay inside on the first ladder and try to direct him.

After several attempts at this, me down below giving directions, him above trying to follow my directions to find the “spot”, and truly after his thorough inspections of the whole side roof and joining second floor wall, we finally think we have it identified the source.

Of course, this meant another day or trips to the hardware store and then time for the necessary repairs. Ah the joys of home ownership, lol.

All in all, a good understanding again of the structure and the damages we already saw in this room and why.

BTW, we think we have it fixed it now. We’re keeping our fingers crossed that when the next rains come, we’ve nailed it! (excuse the pun. 😉

2 thoughts on “Rainy Day Delays

  1. Mom and Dad would be so happy to know someone is still enjoying their rocking chairs. They spent a lot of time rocking in them

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