Hoosier Cabinets – Can You Say Storage?

Hoosier Cabinets – Can You Say Storage?

Quick fun side note: in doing our temporary setup in the kitchen, I needed to make use of every organizer we had. That meant every shelving unit, every drawer bin, every thing that had a nook, a cranny, a crevice, (…well you get the idea, lol) had to be utilized in the kitchen until cabinets can come (which I understand can be awhile).

I began moving every organizer-y/shelving thing into the kitchen space and decided I should use the Hoosier cabinet as well. Even though it was purchased as more of a novelty/antique item, now we needed it to go to work for us. Here’s a pic. Do you remember this beauty?

All I can say is wow! These things are truly remarkable in what they can hold! They are like the RV motor home storage master of the day!

For those who don’t know, new motor homes have storage compartments literally everywhere for every little item you might need or want or think you need while on vacation. Storage behind a shelf, a cubby, a drop down spot there or here. They are masters of the phrase “no wasted space.”

Well, I believe this little unit apparently invented the idea. I can see why these things were so popular!

I knew it had storage, but I never tried to place things in it, not really. I thought I would throw a few pantry items in there and be done but as I opened the drawers, the roll top, the side doors with door mounted shelving, the hidden drawers, I found myself asking “wait…is that another drawer?” And this one opens up and has built in compartments? OMG!

Needless to say I can understand why so many were made in the day. I spent way more time there than I thought I would. I kept having to go find more boxes to unpack because I still had room. It just kept taking items! Check it out, an unexpected treasure for space saving.

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