How it Began

How it Began

For those of you who remember it, picture the old TV show Green Acres and that’s pretty much the look of surprise we were getting from just about everyone when we told them our plan to pack up from LA and move to the hills of West Virginia.  For the younger crowd who doesn’t remember the old show, I think you get the image.

Why leave Los Angeles?  Although the city has amazing weather and everything at your finger tips, for several years we had already begun to find the noise and traffic to no longer suit us.  Although many wonderful people would be sorely missed, our eyes were on the horizon for a simply and calmer way of life. 

During our many searches for where to go, we began to stumble across old homes in need or restoration.  The craftsmanship, the woodwork, the beauty and the history of these homes stood out and we found a calling to do the same…or at least try our best!  We’d each already done some carpentry, woodworking, light plumbing and other jobs around our homes and began to research what it took to restore an old home.  Then asked ourselves why not? 

Why West Virginia? – As we searched, West Virginia kept coming up as not only having several options but beautiful countryside, as well.  Ultimately we took a trip to see the state and quickly found that the song was right: “Almost Heaven”; mountains, rolling hills, green pastures, rivers, streams and the most welcoming and friendly people.  

We quickly fell in love with the countryside and found ourselves drawn to a home in Lewisburg which caught our eye.  A beautiful old combination of neo-classical mixed with Victorian and …the windows! 

We fell in love with those windows!