Unfinished Projects and That Gnawing Feeling

Unfinished Projects and That Gnawing Feeling

Before I get to the new outside work we are beginning, I had a couple of things on my mind.

For those who don’t know me, I’m a list maker. When something is worked on, it should be completed. Anything almost done, almost clean, almost…stays on my mind, gnawing at me. I do so like a checked off list. There’s such a sense of accomplishment with it. I know. It’s a personal issue, but I’ve come to terms with it. 🙂

The bay windows. This is the bottom portion of the front bay windows. Last year Paul did all the work on this beauty from top to bottom, climbing 30 foot scaffolding (sending me into nail biting frenzies as I watched with my hand on my phone ready to dial 911). He rebuilt the top portion, stripped the paint all the way down to the bare wood, applied primer and paint, trimming it out with new wood where it was missing, painted the gray and white paint in the insets and alas, he got all the way down to the bottom and winter set in.

The outside season of work had ended and the bottom two panels were not yet painted. There it sat, all season (looking at me. Not really but I definitely looked at it). It was beautiful work but two panels shy of being completed. Talk about a cliff hanger.

So finally with the warm weather, with the kitchen and house more settled, I was able to run out there, take a paint brush and paint those two bottom panels. EXHALE…boy I feel so much better now. I know…it’s a thing with me. lol. But it’s done!

Speaking of unfinished work, another project you might remember was the water closet. This is the closet under the back stairs (or the Harry Potter room as it’s been called). We call it the water closet because it holds a second water heater. We dry-walled it, Paul layed new flooring and I began working on the door. I stripped it, stained it, added the finished wood at the top, stripped the old latch, repainted it and somehow got distracted on other projects before mounting it back. Yes, I did. Weird, huh? But yesterday I finally found the time to jump back on it and finish it. Another check mark on the list!

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