Seeing Things in a New Light

Seeing Things in a New Light

The house had (and still has) many needs.  We worked through these so far by focusing on a room and always having a side project.  It’s that way because there’s always an unexpected rainy day, or a sunny day, or a season coming, or something has to dry for 24 hours.  We push pause one project and jump to another.  We typically have at least two ongoing projects at any given time.  Right now, our two projects are the hallway…

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Changing the Feel

Changing the Feel

With the end of the season fast approaching, it’s time for our last push for any exterior work.  Our goal for the year was to address the porch and either finish, or come close to finishing, exterior painting of the house.  This includes renting a bucket truck again for scraping and painting needed in the dormer above the front bay windows but that’s still to do and we’ll catch that on another post.  As for the porch, when looking at…

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Updating Another Pipe & a Grand Parlor

Updating Another Pipe & a Grand Parlor

You’d think that as long as we’ve been here, that all of the plumbing and piping would have long since been replaced.  Well, not so much.  As everyone knows by know, we approach things a bit differently, yet there is a method! When this all began 3 years ago, we first had to understand the house before we begin the “tackling.”  Our obvious first approach was integrity; get the home structurally sound, then the rest of the steps followed, as…

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To Be or Not To Be…?

To Be or Not To Be…?

To everyone who has pulled up the site during the past year looking for updates, my apologies.  Adapting to a new schedule has me juggling my time differently, time I previously spent on the blog.  We do still really enjoy sharing our progress, and if you’re wondering we are still here each day working away.  The title of this entry “To be or not…” seemed appropriate because it refers to where we seem to be with several decisions on the…

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Glad Tidings To All! Kitchen Cabinet Update and A Very Victorian Era has begun.

Glad Tidings To All! Kitchen Cabinet Update and A Very Victorian Era has begun.

Greetings everyone! With the year end approaching and Christmas around the corner, my goal was to make sure and get out one more blog before this year is over. As mentioned in my last post, my schedule’s been a bit busier at work these days so I don’t have the time I used to for posting. However, I really need to share an update, because some of the changes are …magical. Kitchen check in: When you last saw the kitchen,…

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Where Has Our Year Gone?

Where Has Our Year Gone?

Hello again everyone! First of all I’d like to apologize for the long delay since my last post. Each day I find myself busy about my day, then looked up a couple of weeks ago and realized the seasons are changing here. The trees have just begun their beautiful fall show, the air is once again crisp in the mornings and fog rests among the hills and small forested valleys. It has definitely been awhile. I believe it was late…

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Wallpaper Has Begun

Wallpaper Has Begun

Hi everyone. A quick update on yesterday. We bought wallpaper quite awhile back with the vision in mind but haven’t been ready to hang it. Yesterday, with the bathroom finally completed, it was time. We have several rolls and patterns for around the house as these old home used a lot of wallpaper. Since we did not tear down all of the walls to studs and replace it all with drywall, the old walls are far from perfect. You can…

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The Downstairs Bath – COMPLETED

The Downstairs Bath – COMPLETED

This one has been a long time coming. To say we underestimated the amount of time we’d need for this bathroom is, well, an understatement. I’ve been waiting to post on it until it was finished, because it’s been “almost finished” for weeks now. It’s a long story but needless to say with Paul’s tenacity and sometimes I think our sheer will, it’s finished! I’m referring to the bathroom downstairs off the drawing room. It was a small and obviously…

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The Cabinets Have Arrived!

The Cabinets Have Arrived!

We finally received the call; the cabinets were in! After months of working on the kitchen, planning the layout, the design of each space and finally pushing the “build” button, the long awaited cabinets had come in! It was during this time we actually had family visiting. My mother, son, brother and his wife were all here for a wonderful week. At first we were not anxious to interrupt a family visit with unloading a truck full of boxes, but…

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We’ve Gone Live! (with Wiring & Cabling)

We’ve Gone Live! (with Wiring & Cabling)

It’s time for updates! I’m actually a bit over due on postings but we’ve had a busy spring. It’s all good, though! Between family visits and work going in multiple directions, plus delivery of the kitchen cabinets, we’ve kept our nose to the grind stone and have been plucking away all spring inside. Let’s see, where did we leave off? After we got as far as we could with the kitchen until the cabinets arrive, it was time to tackle…

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